Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Perfect Storm (Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor, #4) by Lori Foster

So I'm gonna be honest, was not sure I was going to like Arizona so much after reading her in Jackson's story. Now, don't take me wrong the minute I had access to this book I read it and devoured it but going in I was a bit skeptical.

Turns out I had no reason to be. I loved this book! I learned to love Arizona, getting to read about her as she learned social graces and stuff we take for granted was amazing. I thought she was quirky, adorable and pretty awesome. I loved Spencer and watching him and Arizona grow together.

The only thing I did not like about this book was that it ended. I want more! I love the series on Men who walk the edge of honor. This series has made me a huge Lori Foster fan and this book did not disappoint.