My rating: 3 of 5 stars
My mother actually sent me this novel as a recommendation. And before I start my review I must point out a few things, I come from a very different perspective than most- I have no urge to get married someday (though a wedding does sound fun, the being married part does not interest me) and I am also a licensed substance abuse counselor (which does also include love addictions).
With that said, I did enjoy this book, though I frequently had to stop and remind myself that it was fiction and not a self help book as I was getting affronted at some of the preposterous notions as self help. SLAA (Sex and Love Addictions Anonymous) is a real thing and I do hope this opens the eyes of many women in terms of help that is out there. I feel like so many women have addictions to what we see in every rom-com. Even I have that problem, I feel like my life should end all happy with unicorns and rainbows but it won't, not without work by me and on me. The morals here were great and some of the rules (avoiding facebook anyone?) are really helpful.
Sometimes I did get a bit lost in the number of characters, I felt like I got confused occasionally on who was who. I feel as though Annie could have been fleshed out a bit more- but maybe she'll have her own novel, who knows. I did enjoy the story and think most women will too. And the nice thing is that this book reminded me I'm not alone in wanting the perfect rom-com life, and I have to remember those movies are escapism, not something to model my life after.
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