My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Longing is the third book in the Bailey series. Bailey has loved Cody since she was in high school and she is now in New York dancing in Hair Spray.We have watched her finish high school, go to college, film the movie Unlocked and move to New York. We have watched this relationship hit high points and very low points. In the last book (maybe it was the one before) Bailey started a relationship with Brandon Paul, a very popular movie star from Hollywood that she filmed Unlocked with.
So at first I go - hummmm this is just like the Dayne and Katie story. Been there done that - and after reading Longing I still kind of feel that way. I have been a team Cody fan from the beginning because I watched their love grow but after reading Longing, I might have to change my mind. I don't want to change my mind but I think Cody still has some grwong up to do to be worthy of Bailey's love. I also feel that Bailey is out of her league a little with Brandon. She is a small town girl who yes earns a spot in a Broadway musical but having a realationship with a major star?
But this is a book not to be missed - there is so much growth in the characters and the bonus of the Baxters showing up and being able to catch up with the going on's of their lives. Then there is the Bible Study group that Bailey started
What happens with Cody and Chey is just not to be missed. That is not to take away the magic of Baily and Brandon. It is just amazing to see how God works in all these situations and circumstances. I love how God speaks to their characters, I am not that lucky.
Can't wait for the final book!
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